Neoliberalism, Privatization, & Finance: Bringing Systems into Focus - ACRE Institute

Neoliberalism, Privatization, & Finance: Bringing Systems into Focus

A training that breaks down the intentionally complicated worlds of neoliberalism, privatization, and finance. Using local examples, we dig into the tools that the finance industry uses to target communities of color for the privatization of public services, extract wealth and make a massive profit for themselves. We also talk about how to incorporate the finance industry and corporate players into our campaign targets.

ACRE’s is able to offer political education focused on our analysis of the finance industry and it’s extractive practices that target communities of color, along with the research and organizing necessary to identifying the right finance and corporate targets. If you’re interested in learning more about the political education we offer, want to collaborate on a training or workshop, or want to receive a training (either listed on this page or related to our analysis and specific to your needs) please contact